Uralin länsipuolisella metsäarolla on tiedossa ainakin yksi pronssikautinen hautapaikka, johon on venäläisten tutkijoiden mielestä saatettu haudata Seima-Turbinoon liittyviä vainajia. Paikka sijaitsee Kama-joen alajuoksulla, reilu 300 kilometriä Kazanin kaupungista suoraan itään. Hautaukset on ajoitettu epämääräisesti vain pronssikaudelle, joten niiden iästä ei ole varmaa tietoa, eikä ole myöskään tietoa siitä, onko kyseessä polttohautaus vai tavallinen hautaus. Hyvällä tuurilla vainajia ei olisi polttohaudattu ja niiden luista voisi vielä saada eristettyä DNA:ta.
Solodovnikov, K.N., Khokhlov, A.A., Rykun, M.P., & Kravchenko, G.G. (2016).
To the problem of the Trans-Eurasian migrations of the west and the east of Northern Eurasia: Stone and Bronze Ages (based on the data from archaeology, anthropology and paleogenetics).
https://www.academia.edu/29808435/%D0%9 ... 1%88%D0%B5
"[T]races of a transcontinental East-West Eurasian migration have been observed from the anthropological materials of the Bronze Age burials associated with the spread of the Seima-Turbino transcultural phenomenon. [...] the series of skulls from the burial ground of Rostovka on the Irtysh River differs morphologically from the synchronous and preceding craniological series not only from the Irtysh Region, but also in general from the flat parts of the Ob and Irtysh river basins. [...] skulls with similar morphological appearance have been found further to the west in the burial ground of Bulanovo I in the Southern Urals and, probably, in the Seima-Turbino time burial ground of the Zuevy Kluchi II in the Kama River region."
Goldina, R.D. & Chernykh, E.M. (2011). Археологическая карта Каракулинского района Удмуртской Республики. [Archaeological map of the Karakulinsk region of the Udmurtia Republic.]
http://elibrary.udsu.ru/xmlui/bitstream ... sequence=1 (PDF-tiedoston sivu 45)
"Zuevoklyuchevskoy II burial ground. Chalcolithic, Ananyino culture, New Time; village of Zuevy Klyuchi, right bank of the Kama River. Located on the site of the Zuyevo-Klyuchevsky I settlement. During excavations in 1971-72, 53 burials classified into three cultural and chronological groups were studied. 25 burials, made beneath the layer of Ananyino time, in the south-eastern sector of the site, are attributed by V.F. Gening to the Bronze Age. The burials were made in rectangular or oval-shaped pits, oriented along the SW-NE or SE-NW line. The dimensions of the pits are 50-260x30-94 cm. Bones were preserved in 4 out of 25 burials. In two graves the position of the deceased was noted on the right side with legs bent at the knees, in one – stretched out on the back. The burial inventory is poor: triangular flint arrowheads with a truncated base (Fig. 46-1,2), scrapers (Fig. 46-4-6), a crusible [melting pot] (Fig. 46-7), a copper knife (Fig. 46-8) and a clay vessel (Fig. 46-3). There are 23 burials dating back to the Early Iron Age, located in two groups in the eastern and south-eastern parts of the site. The burial pits are rectangular in shape, measuring 120-240x50-90 cm, oriented along the W-E, WNW-ESE lines. Anthropological remains of varying degrees of preservation were found in all graves. The deceased lay extended on their backs, with their heads to the WNW or SSE. In two cases, the deceased were laid with their heads towards the river, in the rest - with their feet towards the river. The accompanying inventory includes fragments of ceramics, a sinker and a copper arrowhead." (s. 87-88)