wejoja kirjoitti:Miten kokeellisen vaiheen pitäisi näkyä arkeologisessa aineistossa?
Ruotsalaiset tutkijat eivät kai havainneet arkeologisessa aineistossa merkkejä siitä, että pohjoisen Fennoskandian sepät olisivat opetelleet raudan ja teräksen valmistusta yritys ja erehdys -menetelmällä.
”Mastery of a craft, such as metallurgy, generally presupposes both theoretical knowledge and physical training, including apprenticeship and practical guidance from a skilled person (White & Hamilton 2018). The analyses illustrate a general lack of experimentation, as would be expected when practitioners attempt to copy products from another context (White & Hamilton 2018). This in turn indicates that the technology was introduced as a full package including objects, smithing and smelting techniques — all arriving at the same time, presumably through direct contact with experienced metalworkers.”
”we also observe design similarities over a large geographic area. The Sangis and Vivungi furnaces are morphologically similar to contemporaneous production sites in Finland and Russian Karelia (Kosmenko & Manjuhin 1999; Lavento 1999) and some Late Bronze Age iron-production sites in central Sweden (Hjärthner-Holdar 1993)”
https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/d ... TEXT02.pdf